- class onwards.lagSolver.LagSolver(farm: Farm, model_args: dict, grid_args: dict = {})
Inits a LagSolver object.
LagSolver object allows to compute the estimated flow state from the local, estimated Turbine states.
\[\mathbf{\hat{s}}_{wt} \rightarrow \mathbf{\hat{s}}_{flow}\]It interfaces the c Lagrangian flow model using ctypes.
- Parameters
model_args (dict) –
Dictionary containing the parameters used for the Lagrangian flow model’s initialization.
Available fields:
- n_substeps
(int , optional) - Number of Farm timesteps between two successive Lagrangian flow model updates, by default 1.
- n_fm
(int , optional) - Maximum number of ambient flow particles used for each turbine, by default 60
- n_shed_fm
(int , optional) - Number of Lagrangian flow model timesteps between the shedding of two successive ambient flow particles by default 2
- c0
(float, optional) - Convective ambient particles tuning constant , by default 0.30
- n_wm
(int , optional) - Maximum number of wake particles used for each turbine, by default 60.
- n_shed_wm
(int , optional) - Number of Lagrangian flow model timesteps between the shedding of two successive wake particles, by default 2.
- cw_xi
(float, optional) - Convective wake particles tuning constant, by default 0.50
- cw_r
(float, optional) - Convective wake particles tuning constant, by default 0.30
- sigma_xi_f
(float, optional) - Streamwise ambient filtering constant, by default 10.0
- sigma_r_f
(float, optional) - Spanwise/transverse ambient filtering constant, by default 5.0
- sigma_t_f
(float, optional) - Streamwise ambient filtering constant, by default 2.0
- sigma_xi_r
(float, optional) - Streamwise ambient filtering constant, by default 1.0
- sigma_r_r
(float, optional) - Spanwise/transverse ambient filtering constant, by default 0.5
- sigma_t_r
(float, optional) - Streamwise ambient filtering constant, by default 2.0
- tau_r
(float, optional) - Rotor time filtering constant in [s], by default 32
- sd_type
(float, optional) - Type of speed deficit used ( 0 : Gaussian speed deficit 1 / only option currently available), by default 0
- ak
(float, optional) - Wake expansion tuning constant (TI scaling), by default 0.018
- bk
(float, optional) - Wake expansion tuning constant (TI scaling), by default 0.060
- ceps
(float, optional) - Initial wake width tuning constant, by default 0.2
grid_args (dict, optional) – Dictionary containing the parameters used for the Grid’s initialization (refer to
- 1
Bastankhah and F. Porte-Agel. A new analytical model for wind-turbine wakes. Renewable Energy, 70:116–123, 2014.
- data_p: dict(str, Union[py_comm.c_FlowModel_p, py_comm.c_WakeModel_p])
- free()
Free the underlying c model.
- get(model: str, field: str, comp: Optional[int] = None, i_wt: Optional[int] = None, i0_offset: bool = True, split: bool = False) numpy.array
Extract the model data from the c LagSolver object
- Parameters
model (str) – Sub-model from which data should be extracted
for wake orF
for ambient flow field.field (str) – Name of the field to be extracted.
comp (int, optional) – Flow component to be extracted (
: x or1
: z), by default None.i_wt (int, optional) – Index of the Turbine data should be extracted from if None (by default data is extracted from all turbines.
i0_offset (bool, optional) – If True (by default), the i0 offset is removed and data is shifted accordingly.
i0_offset – If True the output array is splitted into a len(i_wt) list, by default False.
- Returns
Array containing the field requested.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If model is not
.ValueError – If no field component, comp, is provided for a vector field.
ValueError – If a field component, comp, is specified for a scalar field.
ValueError – If the wind turbine index request,
, is not valid.
- get_bounds(model: str, i_wt: int, i_sigma: int = 0) List[List[float]]
Returns the bounds of the subdomain
- Parameters
model (str) – Sub-model from which the bounds of the subdomain are extracted
for wake orF
for ambient flow field.i_wt (int, optional) – Index of the Turbine.
i_sigma (int) – Index of the subdomain (0 -> sigma_f_* and 1 -> sigma_r_*), by default 0.
- Returns
List of the coordinates of the vertices of the subdomain.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If model is not
- get_part_iwt(model: str) numpy.array
Computes the mapping between the
outputs fori_wt=None
and the Turbines.- Parameters
model (str) – Sub-model from which data should be extracted
for wake orF
for ambient flow field.- Returns
Mapping between the array index and the turbine index.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If model is not
See also
- get_restart(rst: dict = {}) None
- get_time()
Returns the current Lagrangian model time
- init_from_restart(rst: dict, i_wt: List[int] = None) None
- interp_FlowModel(xv: numpy.array, zv: numpy.array, filt: str = 'flow', buffer: Optional[onwards.lagSolver.libc.pyCommunicator.Vec] = None, i_wt_exclude: int = - 1) numpy.array
Interpolates the ambient flow field at [ xv, zv ]
- Parameters
xv (np.array) – array containing the x locations where the field should be evaluated.
zv (np.array) – array containing the z locations where the field should be evaluated.
filt (str, optional) –
depending on the width of the filter used for the ambient velocity field computation, by defaultflow
.buffer (py_comm.Vec, optional) – Vec object allocating the output memory location (allows not to reallocate the wind farm global grid at every time step), buffer shape should be consistent with
if None (by default) a new output vector is allocated.i_wt_exclude (int, optional) – Ignores the selected wind turbine for the ambient velocity computations, by default -1 (ie: all turbines are used).
- Returns
Estimated ambient flow field
[u, w]
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the buffer shape provided is not consistent with the shape of
.Exception – If
is notrotor
- interp_WakeModel(xv: numpy.array, zv: numpy.array, buffer: Optional[onwards.lagSolver.libc.pyCommunicator.Vec] = None)
Interpolates the wake flow field at [ xv, zv ]
- Parameters
xv (np.array) – array containing the x locations where the field should be evaluated.
zv (np.array) – array containing the z locations where the field should be evaluated.
buffer (py_comm.Vec, optional) – Vec object allocating the output memory location (allows not to reallocate the wind farm global grid at every time step), buffer shape should be consistent with
if None (by default) a new output vector is allocated.
- Returns
Estimated ambient flow field
[u, w]
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If the buffer shape provided is not consistent with the shape of
- reset(model_args_new: dict, rst: dict = {})
Resets the flow states to the initial configuration and updates the Lagrangian flow model parameters.
- Parameters
model_args (dict) – Dictionary containing the parameters of the Lagrangian flow model to be updated.
- Raises
ValueError – If one of the following model parameters is updated:
- rews_compute(x_rotor: List[float], r_rotor: float, comp: int = 0) float
Computes the Rotor Effective Wind Speed at
over a rotor of diameter,r_rotor and
oriented along x.- Parameters
x_rotor (List[float]) – Fictive rotor center location
in [m].r_rotor (float) – Fictive rotor diameter in [m].
comp (int) – Flow component to be evaluated (
: x or1
: z), by default None.
- Returns
The Rotor Effective Wind Speed of diameter
and located atx_rotor
.- Return type
- update()
Updates the Lagrangian flow model
- Raises
Exception – If a time mismatch is detected between the parent Farm object and the Lagrangian flow model.
- class onwards.lagSolver.Grid(lag_solver: LagSolver, grid_args: dict)
Inits the Grid over which data will be interpolated.
- Parameters
lag_solver (LagSolver) – Parent LagSolver object
model_args (dict) –
Dictionary containing the parameters used for the Lagrangian flow model’s initialization.
grid_args description
- enable
(bool, optional) - If False, the grid is turned off, by default True.
- dx
(float, optional) - x grid spacing in [m], by default 20.
- dx
(float, optional) - x grid spacing in [m], by default 20.
- dz
(float, optional) - z grid spacing in [m], by default 20.
- margin
(List[List[float]], optional) -
[[xm, xp], [ym, yp]]
minimal margin of the domain around each Turbine.
- du_wm_compute(subGridFlag=False) numpy.array
Interpolates the wake flow model over the Grid.
- Returns
The ambient wake field interpolated at the grid locations.
- Return type
- u_compute() numpy.array
Interpolates the flow model over the Grid.
- Returns
The ambient flow field interpolated at the grid locations.
- Return type
- u_fm_compute(filt: str = 'flow') numpy.array
Interpolates the ambient flow model over the Grid.
- Parameters
filt (str, optional) –
depending on the width of the filter used for the ambient velocity field computation, by defaultflow
.- Returns
The ambient flow field interpolated at the grid locations.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If filt is not valid (ie:
- update()
Updates the grid